
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am from Ennis, Texas, where I just graduated from Ennis High School. I enjoy playing various sports, including basketball, football, and table tennis. I also enjoy fishing, hunting, hiking, and simply enjoying God’s creation in the outdoors. I also run a Youtube channel where I edit videos and analyze analytics, as well as whatever else the channel needs. I love to read my bible as well as books about theology, apologetics, and history. I was raised in the church by my two loving and supportive parents, where I came to know God, and continue to grow in my relationship with Him through prayer, reading His word, and through my relationships with fellow believers.

I felt God calling me to missions several years ago and have been praying for God to show me a specific route He wants me to take ever since. During this time, I explored the possibility of going on several different mission trips, but after finding out about The World Race Gap Year I almost immediately knew it was the trip God was calling me to go on. After getting accepted I have been filled with joy and motivation to go overseas and serve the Lord in whatever way He sees fit. I hope to help bring the light of Christ into communities across the world and “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). I am looking forward to working beside so many others that have had their hearts filled with the Spirit and continue to pray that God will make clear to us the path we need to take in order to serve Him in every aspect of our lives.


One response to “About Me”

  1. It sounds so exciting. I’m sure God will use you in a special way in this year you have set aside to serve Him. I will be praying for you and for those God will bring into your life. Please keep in contact. Peggy